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Picture 1-- Before

Picture 2--Before

Picture 3--Before

Picture 4--Before

Picture 5--Before

Picture 6--Before

Picture 1--After

Picture 2--After

Picture 3--After

Picture 4--After

Picture 5--After

Picture 6--After

As a photographer being asked to create a spring photo collection, I immediately think of flowers, rain, trees that are just budding, and bright colors. Unfortunately, Iowa weather has not been treating us well, therefore we are forced to adapt and create.  So I had ideas in my head on how to edit my photos so they didn't look so gloomy. I knew that the sun would not be out in most of pictures, so in pictures one, three, and four, I tried to brighten them to give them a more "spring" feel. My favorite spring photo image is my first one. Not because is's the first one, but because I love how bright I made it look. It is not easy to see, but the picture actually has water drops dripping from the plant. I thought that that was very cool to be able to capture a plant that has water dripping from it. My least favorite spring photo picture is my fifth photo that I took. I had a really hard time trying to capture something and the best I could do was take a picture of a rock walkway leading to my house. This picture was very hard to edit, every filter I used made the picture look very blurry. I had to use the one that made the picture most visible. I felt like I could've taken a better image than the one I took and I am just not proud of it. In the future, I am going to take pictures of things that inspire me. I am going to try and take pictures with my mind and imagine what I can do. I'm always going to have a camera on me because you never know when a good opportunity comes to take a photo. 

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